Results found with the tag 'Food 食物' , 23 articles in total.

  • [Food] For Healthier Life 更健康地生活

    An increasing number of people are realizing the importance of a healthy diet and wondering if certain foods can help prolong their lives. 越来越多人意识到健康饮食的重要性,会想是否有食物能延长他

    2015-04-28 17:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Top Nine Fat-free Foods 九大无脂食品

    As people trying to lose weight often think that whatever they eat will add to their inches, this is wrong.当人们努力减肥时,往往认为无论吃什么都会增肥,这是错误的想法。

    2015-04-26 09:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Mung bean 绿豆

    Speculators have driven up the price of mung beans, popular for their medicinal value. 投机商哄抬绿豆的价格,因为被它们的药用价值所吸引。

    2015-03-04 11:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Healthy Family Meals 健康的家庭饮食

    Families that regularly eat healthy dinners together often encourage children to make healthier food choices. 家庭健康的晚餐常鼓励孩子们去选择更健康的食物。

    2015-03-03 11:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Chocolate 巧克力

    The more we try to fight off a craving for chocolate, the more our desire for it grows. 我们越是试图摆脱对巧克力的渴望,对它的渴望越是增长。

    2015-03-02 10:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Pumpkin 南瓜

    Pumpkin could "drastically" reduce the need for daily insulin injections for diabetics, according to recent research. 南瓜可以大大降低糖尿病患者每日注射胰岛素的量,根据最近的研究。

    2015-02-28 11:00:00+0800
  • [Food] A pint of beer 一杯啤酒

    Having a glass of beer is a better option than drinking water after exercising, says a Granada University study. 运动后选择喝一杯啤酒比饮用水更好,格拉纳达大学的研究表明。

    2015-02-23 11:00:01+0800
  • [Food] About herbal 关于草药

    Food is an indispensable part of life and the right choice can assist us in maintaining and strengthening our health. 食物是生活中不可缺少的一部分,正确的选择可以帮助我们保持和加强健康。

    2014-11-11 09:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Food color and heathy 食物颜色与健康

    Food color and health has a special relevance. Different meaning in different colors. 食物的颜色健康有着特别的联系。不同的颜色有着不同的意义。

    2014-11-09 10:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Vinegar 醋

    Vinegar does marvelous things for health. It results to peeling off dead skin cells. 醋对健康来说是了不起的存在。它能够使死亡的皮肤细胞掉落。

    2014-11-08 08:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Eight Cancer-Allaying Veggies 八大防癌蔬菜

    Specific vegetables are proven prophylactics against the eight most common cancers. 特定的蔬菜能行之有效的预防八种最常见的癌症。

    2014-11-07 07:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Fish maw 鱼鳔

    Fish maw is commonly used in chinese cooking and in chinese soups. High nutritional value in it. 鱼鳔被广泛运用于中式餐饮和中式汤中。它的营养价值很高。

    2014-10-10 08:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Take care of skin in winter 冬季护肤

    Winter is dry-skin season and time to take especially good care of the skin. 冬天是一个使皮肤干燥的季节,是皮肤需要良好的照顾的一个时间段。

    2014-06-05 07:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Bird's nest 燕窝

    Bird's nests are top tonics for everyone and sell at high prices, they are usually made into soup. 燕窝是对于每个人都是顶级补品,价钱往往很高,另外通常会被做成汤。

    2014-05-27 07:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Benefits of congee 粥的多种益处

    With autumn coming, it's time to nourish the organs and keep them moist in the cool, dry season. 随着秋天的到来,我们是时候需要滋养器官,使它们在干冷的季节保持水润。

    2014-05-25 20:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Disadvantage of apple juice 苹果汁的坏处

    It's true that apple juice can pose a risk to your health, becuase of few natural nutrients, lots of calories. 这是真的,苹果汁会威胁你的健康,因为很少的天然营养成分却有大量的热量。

    2014-05-17 16:00:01+0800
  • [Food] Autumn Meal 秋天的饮食

    In Autumn, it's getting cold and windy, and the dry wind is seemingly absorbing water from our body. 在秋天,天气变得大风和冷,而干燥的风似乎吸收掉我们身体的水份。

    2014-04-01 18:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Nutritious food 营养食品

    A post suddenly went viral on Sina Weibo and a popular micro-blogging platform in China, on Jan 9. 1月9日,一条信息在发布后像病毒般在广受欢迎的新浪微博上传开。

    2014-03-21 17:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Charms of snakes 蛇的魅力

    Using snakes as medicine has a long history in China and is recorded in detail in many ancient classics of Chinese traditional medicine. 以蛇作为药用在中国有着悠久的历史,详细记录在许多中医古籍.

    2014-03-20 17:00:00+0800
  • [Food] Five nuts 五核桃

    Most nuts can nourish and strengthen kidneys, brain, heart, and improve physical quality. 大多数坚果可以滋养和加强肾,脑,心脏,还有提高身体素质。

    2014-03-20 14:00:01+0800